Liz Gallagher
Counsellor of Adults and Young People
07827 290211
£70 per session (concessionary rates available in case of financial hardship)
In life current situations are automatically linked with associated memory networks from your previous experiences. That is usually helpful, we understand what’s happening and we feel comfortable and we know that we can cope.
Sometimes situations in your normal daily life and relationships bring up an emotional response that seems out of proportion to what’s happening in the here and now.
That’s because something happened in the past that you have not been able to process and your brain is giving you a very clear threat, danger message.
Going back to that initial traumatic experience. When we experience something that we find frightening or painful we hold that memory in one of two ways.
One way is our natural Adaptive Information Processing system integrates the memory. We know we are safe now, we can learn from the memory and it is helpful when we face similar situations in the future. This happens naturally
Or the memory may be held unprocessed, anything that reminds us of it sends a rapid clear threat signal – you are in danger, the threat response is evoked – fight, flight, freeze or flop. This happens in an instant, far quicker than our logical thinking processing can control.
It is our brain trying to ensure we stay safe
These memories are ring fenced and protected from the Adaptive Information Processing capacity of the brain.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing brings your natural Adaptive Information Processing capability into play.
It enables you to process that memory and other associated memories so that you can react to events in a more appropriate way.
Trust that there is blue sky above the storm clouds
Trust your brain’s amazing natural healing powers
With EMDR we use alternate bilateral stimulation (eye movements or alternate leg tapping) to engage the brain so that the trauma memory becomes accessible for your brains natural Adaptive Information Processing to take place (this is similar to what happens in rapid eye movements sleep when your brain processes events of the day)
Please feel free to contact me if you would like some more information.
I have completed all parts of the standard EMDR Europe Accredited Training and currently working towards accreditation